PO Box 1984 Bristol CT 06011
We are available 24/ 7. Call Now. (888) 456-2790 (121) 255-53333 example@domain.comAbout Lotsoffish
Lots of Fish programs align with municipal needs to provide public education and outreach about its storm sewer system and associated pollution sources as part of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit.
About Lotsoffish
Lots of Fish programs align with municipal needs to provide public education and outreach about its storm sewer system and associated pollution sources as part of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit.
Building better world together
Stormwater RunoffSurface water quality impacts important resources, including water supply, recreation, fishing, shellfishing and sustaining aquatic life. Water pollution threatens these resources and is often a threat unseen/unknown by the public.
About Us15 +
Years366 +
Projects delivered so farDirector, CT Program Director
JoAnn is a muralist and social impact artist. She develops art programs that engage people of all ages and abilities to make a positive impact. Informed by Dewey's "Art as Experience", focusing on environment, peace, and democracy, she has worked hands-on with over 75,000 people to create public art projects in communities across the US and abroad. JoAnn is the creator of Lots of Fish and the Runoff Art programs.
The EPA requires each municipality to take steps to keep the stormwater entering its storm sewer systems clean before that stormwater enters water bodies. This MS4 has an important required element that towns implement public education programs to make residents aware that stormwater pollutants emanate from many of their everyday living activities, and to inform them of steps they can take to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff. The Lots of Fish Runoff Art program helps towns meet these requirements.
Art & Environmental Education
Lots of Fish is an Art & Environmental Education project. We host school-year and summer youth employment programs that engage artists and community members in creating art that helps to reduce pollution in our local waterways. Initiated in 2015, we’ve been engaging and exposing city youth and community members to art and impact projects through a variety of installations, events, presentations, and public awareness campaigns.Lots of Fish develops and conducts programs in collaboration with municipalities and environmental organizations.
Why should you work with us?
For better, sustainable future! In Connecticut, data is synthesized into a water quality report called the Integrated Water Quality Report.
50% of rivers
Currently, water quality monitoring in the state encompasses about 50% of rivers
47% of lakes
Water quality monitoring in the state encompasses about 47% of lakes
100% of estuary/coastline
Water quality monitoring in the state encompasses about 100% of estuary/coastline
Artful Sustainability
Lots of Fish is an Art & Environmental Education project focusing on water and climate. We host school-year and summer youth employment programs that engage community members in creating art that helps to reduce pollution in our local waterways and increase climate resilience.